Leather pants in a pandemic - Stronger through Coronavirus
We're open and happily trading through the lockdown.
We've always worked from home, and it took only one extra protocol to keep making your gorgeous stuff even under lock down conditions. We are safe, working entirely from home and happy as larks. We have been self- quarantined since early March (seemed a bit mad at the time, but already that just seems sensible) and that means you'll be safe.
I admit, there was a brief phase where I questioned what we were doing in the face of such catastrophic awfulness, how was Lux contributing? It became incredibly important to me that we were adding to the net positive, from every angle.
And it turns out we are, we all are, you and us - here's why
Our work for you gives such a deep feeling of fulfillment that we can actually rely on it to uplift us, the very act of making your leather items brings us joy, calms us, de-stresses us, perfecting techniques across years, joy, hearing your feedback, joy, making beautiful things, joy, releasing beautiful things into the world, joy.
And we also know that you guys get great pleasure and happiness from us too. You tell us all the time, (thank you and very much appreciated).
We're all in a happy, funny, weird leather niche together and that's fine, leather isn't for everyone, but it's for us.
So please keep ordering, the postal system is adapting really well even under lock-down and we have deliveries in and post out, timings have gone a little haywire so I've taken dates off the waiting list, the list now just shows the order that we're working through and what's going out in the next wave of dispatches.
Our glover has had to shut up shop sadly, so we've lost a bit of our range there, and matching coloured elastic to leather is not getting any easier, I'll always update you with pics when this is the case. But these two points aside, our system is actually stronger now than it was a month ago.
But where we go next is pretty much in your hands
We need orders to help us beta test our new protocol and iron out the kinks (see what I did there), so here's 30% off for willing guinea pigs of our LOCK DOWN BLACK EDITION range, discount automatically applied at checkout. I'm expecting things to run at pretty close to normal speed at this end, with a slight and understandable delay at delivery as International post systems adapt to the new way of working in a brave new world.
So, have a great rest of the day, thanks for being the best set of clients anyone could wish for, and please stay safe, we're playing in a whole new ball game now!